Articles in this series
Install & Run · In the last period, in the frontend ecosystem, a new e2e tool has come up and it has started to become famous; its name is Playwright. In...
Locators, assertions and more · What are you going to learn in this post? In this post, you will learn how to write tests with Playwright, using...
VsCode Extensions · Debug your tests One of the most popular things done by developers is to debug the code using console.log.But today I want to show...
Write your test from your browser · Hi there,today you will learn how to generate the code for your tests. First of all, you have to run the application,...
Fixtures · Hey there,Today I want to speak about Fixtures, a vital friend if you're going to work with Playwright and you want to share data between your...
Experimental components testing · Hi there,Today I'll speak about a beta feature in Playwright: Components. The team is building a new feature to write...